Nobody listens to what you have to say.
Why does this keep happening? All you were trying to do is have a simple conversation, and for some reason, that seems impossible to do.
You must repeat yourself a million times. “Are they even listening to me? I said that!”
Being heard is a competition for you, and it’s hard to get a word in edge-wise because your partner’s cut-off game is strong! – The icing on the cake. The criticism, blame, and lack of acknowledgment is enough to make you want to burn everything to the ground!
Finally, you decide to stop the madness and walk away, leaving the issue unresolved. You think, “No one seems to understand me.” Or, “No one ever listens to me.”
Does this seem familiar to you?
Maybe you were referring to an exchange between you and a parent or spouse that started as a conversation but quickly degraded into an argument leaving you both frustrated, confused, and upset.
Effectively communicating your thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires is often easier thought than accomplished.
Not only do we have to figure out how to communicate in such a way that the other person can hear and relate to us, but we must also listen to understand and accept the thoughts shared by others.
Here is where we come into the picture.
We can help by teaching you the skills to help you share what you need to share in a way that leaves you feeling better about your role in the interaction.
Everything we say and do involves communication. Through communication, we express our thoughts, understandings, and feelings.
All any of us want is to be seen, heard, understood, and accepted. So, when communicating with others repeatedly leaves you feeling dizzy from going in circles and never coming to a resolution, it becomes painfully obvious that something must change.
Learn some new skills to enhance your communication.
At Divine Mind Therapeutics, we help you develop your communication skills.
You will learn active listening, not hearing the words but paying attention to what is said. Such listening helps build a more effective and interactive relationship.
Learning to read and be aware of nonverbal messages sent from the person to whom you are talking helps you present what you are saying in a way that they understand.
Effective communication also requires understanding the other person’s feelings and how they communicate.
Contact us today for your free 15-minute video or phone consultation so you can start communicating better tomorrow.